Do I need an expensive camera?

Photography Basics

The short answer is no.

The slightly longer answer is no, but with higher spec cameras you will get more options to adjust the camera settings and you may get better quality components such as the sensor which can result in a better quality image.

If you know nothing about photography, going out and buying an expensive camera with all the gadgets and gizmos will be even more confusing. Of course if you want to pursue photography as something more than just taking snapshots then buying a camera that will allow you to learn and experiment with more advanced features, as you learn about them, might be a good idea. We’ll look at the different type of cameras and the advantages and disadvantages they have at a later date.

Think about what you want to achieve too. If all you want is a pocket sized compact camera for taking on holiday and to family gatherings, then don’t expect to get all the features of the larger cameras with interchangeable lenses for instance. If you want to print your images out and frame them then you might need a slightly higher spec camera to give you enough image quality to get large prints. More on that later.

With digital camera prices dropping all the time and technology advancing at the rate it is, you can still get excellent quality cameras that can produce great quality images for very budget friendly amounts.

There’s a good article over at the Digital Photography School Blog that gives you some help in picking the right digital camera for you. Just remember that with the rate digital cameras are becoming more high spec, any recommendations may not take into account the latest cameras.

2 thoughts on “Do I need an expensive camera?

  1. Please would you evaluate my recent camera Fujifilm S5700. I feel not comfort with it but may be an advice from you changes my idea about this camera.Is it capable to take a profficional photos or not?
    Thank you in advance.

  2. Hi Ghanim, the Fuji S5700 looks like it is a great little camera for the money. I’ve just read a few reviews on it and from what they say it performs very well. It does have some weak points, but no camera is perfect, even ones costs several thousand pounds.

    A camera is only as good as the person using it though, so when you ask if it is capable of taking professional pictures, then I would say yes, providing you know how to use it properly.

    A camera in this price range will have a few limitations, but that is expected, so the thing to do is to take lots and lots of pictures in different conditions and get to know what your camera is good at and what it’s not so good at. I mean is it good for fast action shots, does it respond quickly when you press the button, if not then it might be better suited to things like landscapes, or things that don’t move too quick.

    There are lots of things you can test, just work through the different options, you may find that some options work better that others for certain conditions, so it’s good to experiment.

    I hope that helps a bit.

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